Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Making Flowchart from Procedural Text

Making Flowchart from Procedural Text

At night, lamp work is needed to help the lighting work. I often use it. there are 2 kinds of lamp work: using electric or battery as I use it at work everyday.

Work lamp looks simple, but often there is a problem in the battery might use a low or a bulbs is not used again. so I often check the lamp work when experiencing problems while in use. First we turn on the lamp working, if lamp do not work try to check the bulbs is possible bulbs is not in use and must be replaced with a new one and if it still does not work try to check the battery lamp is possible if the battery has been depleted and depleted replace with yaa new battery, if it still does not work buy a new one just lamp work. it's simple :)

Making Flowchart from Procedural Text


Court always associate with a problem, a variety of problems that are concerned can not resolve themselves and thus require a mediator or arbitrator to resolve the issue. The following process should be run in court.

First, filing a complaint to court over the issue of mediation that occurs, then the court will be answered through the office of a court hearing, the court then held a briefing to determine the mediator and schedule the mediation and election lawyers. after the two parties get a compromise agreement and attorney at bp 22. and approval by the prosecutor and agreed to by the judge then mediation can be done by both parties without any trial. But if two parties do not get a deal at the time we conducted this trial mediation to resolve and got a deal, but if two parties do not get a deal then keep the mediation judge who decided the result.

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Descriptive text


Know whether you are the biggest animal in the world? with one characteristic that has a proboscis.

Elephant is a mammal that has a great body. since then, including elephants mammal mammals. physical characteristics of an elephant which has a great body, four-legged, has a long proboscis, has big ears and wide, including herbivores elephant eating leaves or grass.

I love the elephants because elephants including animals have instincts and savvy. in use as a circus elephant at the show. elephant is big, cute, fat, cute. I love elephants.

Procedure Text

How to cook good rice

Cooking rice is simple, but sometimes the problem is rice cooked too soft or too hard because of lack of water.

How to cook rice the right matures. whereas now very practical cook rice using a rice cooker or a magic com. you should prepare inggredient are rice and water. you also need rice cooker. I willl tell you the steps how to make it.

First, wash the rice thoroughly at least 3 replicates. second, put some water in the rice cooker container with about 3 cm of excess water from the rice, or half finger. Third, give pandan leaves if you want to be a fragrant rice. and enter the rice cooker to cook and wait until done, usually will move swit hoter than cooking. pretty easy to do :)

Recount Text

My holidays

Travel field started the second half on holidays. I'm going to invite my father to Medan. The tour is very exciting to explore my hometown Medan from Jakarta.

Medan city tour to begin at 7 in the morning from Soekarno Hatta airport.  about 2 hours in my plane arrived at the airport Polonia International airport. there are so many stories when I was in the field and it was interesting because it was the first time I had a tour in Medan.

We arrived at the Polonia international airport 2 hours up I and other members of the tour transfer to hotel in Samosir island by boat we delivered. on the way to the hotel from the airport to the island of Samosir I really enjoy the scenery around me in the waveguide with tourguide.

There I were invited around the island Samosir, various customs and cultures in Batak who introduced it to me and other members of the tour. we also took time to feel the cold lake water samosir to swim. Our hotel stay facility also provides typical dishes and drinks Medan.

5 day tour in Medan ended my tour. all that is in my field I am trying to learn and it's very unique. we did not forget to take pictures and capture every moment that I will miss the durian Medan. Holiday and a very good experience and fun certainly will never forget that moment.

Introducing Text


Hello readers
I want to introduce myself to you
My name is meylinda pitaloka
You can call me mey
I live in bekasi
My home address is alam raya 2 block c/9 no 17 , pondok melati, kota bekasi
I was born in jakarta, 19 mey 1994
Now, i study at polytechnic telkom bandung
My hobbies is singing

I think finish introducing my self, if you want to know me more closely you can visit my facebook http://www.facebook.com/meylinda.pitaloka?ref=tn_tnmn or my twitter @mpitaloka.
thank you :)